The book police technology by Raymond E. Foster explores technology in criminal justice, law enforcement and policing

It is true that offers homepatrol scanners, so they are not hard to get, but that does not mean that you will set it up right away and start using it. You need to know what to do before it will be useful to you. Below are a few tips that can help you.

Program the Scanner

The scanners do not operate just like normal radios, which you can use as soon as you take them out of the box. They have to be programed before they will pick up the channels that you want. Program yours as soon as you get it.

Use Online Manuals

You will get a manual with your new scanner, but many people find these to be rather confusing. The language that is used only makes sense if you already know how to use the scanner, which is not the case for people who are buying their first ones. However, there are online manuals that have been rewritten so that they are easy to read and easy to understand. Use these until you really get the hang of it. Make sure that you have the right manual for your exact model, not a similar model that is made by the same company.

Learn Which Channels are Used

Different departments may use different channels in your area. Rather than trying to figure this out on your own, ask around and find out what you should be looking for so that you can quickly start listening in.

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The latest book from the author of police technology.  The book is on leadership and uses poker as a lens to explore the subject of leadership.

The hyperlinks provided for the Key Terms may take you to a simple definition, or an article wherein the term is described:

Record Management System
Jail Management System
Evidence Management System
Operator Security
The Right to Know and the Need to Know
The Freedom of Information Act
First Tier
Second Tier
Criminal Justice Information Systems
Flagging Records

Security Turnstiles and Revolving Doors

Crowd control is an essential practice for any building or venue that hosts a large number of people. It is very important to properly control the movement of large crowds inside and outside a particular space. Turnstiles are very effective structures for crowd control solutions. The simplest turnstile is a bar that is located at hip level of the average person.

A person may simply pass through such a turnstile by pushing on with his thighs of hips. The bar on the turnstile simply rotates and allows only one person to move through at a time. Sometimes, turnstiles allow passage only after a payment is made or something else is inserted into a ticket scanner. Such turnstiles are used at arenas and train stations that only allow entry to ticketed individuals.

A rotating gate style turnstile is a much more secure crowd control solution. Such a structure consists of a metallic frame with a door that either swings on a hinge or rotates in circles. Turnstile gates can be opened manually such as by a security guard. Such gates are usually installed for high security applications that may involve criminals in prisons.

A revolving door is another solution for effective crowd control. Having cylindrical designs, glass doors simply rotate as people move in and out of a building. Upscale retailers and professional offices can buy revolving doors for suppliers that specialize in turnstiles and other similar crowd control structures. Rotating doors can also be stopped to lock in people instantly.